Friday, October 20, 2006

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya

Deepavali - perhaps the main message of this pagan festival is to seek to God this: "Asatoma Sathgamaya, Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya, Mrithyor Maa Amrutham Gamaya, Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi". (Lead me from untruth to the truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality- Invoke Peace). There are so many levels to this one sloka from Brihadaranyakopanishad, or maybe I see it as that- invoking peace for and within oneself, asking to be led to the light representing enlightenment.

May this festival of lights drive away the darkness in all of us, especially in me. Have a happy Deepavali!


kowsik said...


Anurag said...

Thats a lot healthier perspective towards Diwali. Happy diwali to you too !

pagan indeed; so that we don't thank God, but instead reassert the God that is with us and in all that surrounds us :)

Prakash M Kini said...

Kow, I thought we were pagans... people who didnt have a institutionalized, misdirected aim of God or nature. Sorry if its not the definition.

Anurag, way to go!

Anurag said...

a more correct term for our belief-system could be pantheist, for the sake of classification.

But do we really want to differentiate ourselves from pagans, that way?

bd said...

Oh c'mon Anurag, as a budding Buddhist you should be hinting towards monism. To hell with differentiation and classification!

It takes a hero to be a zero! ;)


This happens to be one my favorite slokas (among the really few I know :P)

Anurag said...

i really didn't understand much of what you said.

for the part that I understood, I must tell ya' that 'pantheistic monism' is very well-known, even to the classificists ;) so i'm not sure what monism am i supposed to spread as a 'budding buddhist' :)

Distracted_me said...
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Distracted_me said...

we might be Pagans in including
God and His Creation as a part of it.. But we surely are not treating them as equals..