Thursday, October 05, 2006

Live and let die

No, seriously, what exactly is Ms Roy's problem? Does she think she is doing a great job by saving a 'human being' from gallows? Perhaps, asuming Afzal is one. Yes, you can even show a picture of young Ghalib (Afzal's son, which, all reports mention has been named after Mirza Ghalib, a famous Urdu poet and philosopher- why? I dont know) holding up a placard innocently and claim sentimental refuge. For me, insensitiveness notwithstanding, it doesnt make sense. For all you know, media did not find it important to showcase the life of Nanak Chand and he probably even had a son, like Ghalib -whose placard went unphotographed.

Hold back for a moment- think about if you know this -Nanak Chand- name. This person is the ASI who was killed during the Attack carried out by Afzal (for eyebrows raised on 'fairness' of trial- I rather believe my Govt and Court rather than Arundhati Roy or Nandita Haksar. I absolutely see no reason why my nightmares are worse than their fantasies. On second thoughts, I'd rather not open that door). My point is, for one, we know Afzal carried out the attacks. And he gets to be famous because our Human rights Orgs and likes of Arundhati Roy have to, well, prove their liberal-ness. And who else is around? Hurriyat junta - Sajjad Lone and Yasin Mallik! Perhaps their assumed 'freedom fight' demands that they deny the chance for Afzal to be a 'Martyr'.

How exactly would this be different from Savarkar et al's bombing in London Parliament? 'Cause it was purely symbolic! No one was killed - the intention was not to kill, but to gain world attention to the plight of Indians from British, again, NOT to wage a holy war or convert people or demand a peice of land from someone after an ethnic cleansing and driving away the original inhabitants of that land. Plebiscite seekers can, with this background, as Eric Cartman (Southpark) would put it, Kiss my @$$.

Finally, the biggest question- What do we gain by hanging Afzal? Nandita Haksar, Afzal's lawyer is of the opinion that it would only cause unrest among Kashmiris and will affect Ghalib, making him an orphan.

I, as usual, beg to differ. Suppose Afzal was saved from the gallows. What is the message going out to someone planning another attack on us? I also do not udnerstand why Kashmiris will not be able to understand that it wasnt a Kashmiri who was killed but a terrorist who brutally attacked Indian Parliament and was responsible for the death of Nanak Chand. This person by appearance may be a human being, but by thought I doubt if he is. Young Ghalib must be made to understand why his his father wasnt pardoned. The message that must go out is the one which speaks the language that people who need to understand, will.

Now, how exactly would hanging a terroist be anti-Democratic? I hope M(r?)s Roy doesnt think that all Indians are terrorists, thereby in a terrorist Democracy, hanging one would be immoral. Arundhati Roy has won a Booker prize. Oh Yeah! That was for Fiction. She is apparently good at it.

My conclusion: Twisting words can fetch you an award once alright, but, as someone put it, you cant fool all the people all the time.


kowsik said...

I wonder if these people believe in their own bull

Ritesh said...

She is jobless.

Prakash M Kini said...


Unknown said...

Showing out to world and terrorists "anything could be manipulated in India". Shld hang these people along with Afzal... to help Ghalib not follow his father's way.